Stack of stones in a river with a heart shaped stone on top
Posted: June 1, 2023

Enhancing IVF Retrieval Outcomes: How Acupuncture Can Make a Difference

Are you and your partner considering IVF treatments or currently undergoing the process? If so, you’ve probably heard many suggestions on how to improve the outcomes of your fertility journey. Today, we want to introduce you to a complementary therapy that can significantly enhance your IVF retrieval outcomes: acupuncture. In this blog post, we’ll explain the numerous benefits of acupuncture, dive into the research behind this ancient technique, and show you how Hawthorne Acupuncture can help you achieve your dream of having a baby.

The Power of Acupuncture in Assisting IVF Treatments

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that employs the insertion of fine needles into specific points in the body to restore balance and promote natural healing. When it comes to IVF treatments, acupuncture offers couples a plethora of benefits including:

  1. Improved Blood Flow: Acupuncture stimulates blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, ensuring that these crucial reproductive organs receive the nourishment they need to function optimally. Greater blood flow can enhance the quality of eggs retrieved, support healthy embryo development, and promote a receptive uterine lining, all of which are critical factors in successful IVF procedures.
  2. Reduced Stress: The IVF journey can be stressful for couples, and stress can negatively impact fertility. Acupuncture has been shown to help regulate stress hormones and induce a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing the body to prioritize reproduction and enhance the likelihood of a successful IVF procedure.

IVF Retrieval Outcomes: Supporting Studies

Many studies have explored the effects of acupuncture on IVF outcomes, and the results have been promising. One such study, titled “The effect of acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer on the in vitro fertilization outcomes: An RCT“, found that acupuncture performed during the critical stage of embryo transfer has a significant positive impact on IVF success rates. The study, conducted by Alamtaj Samsami Dehghani, M.D., Kaynoosh Homayouni, M.D., Zahra Kanannejad, Ph.D., and Zeinab Kanannejad, M.D., demonstrates the efficacy of acupuncture in enhancing fertility and improving the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Hawthorne Acupuncture: Your Partner in Your Fertility Journey

At Hawthorne Acupuncture, we understand that each couple’s fertility journey is unique, and we’re here to provide personalized care to help you achieve your goal of starting a family. Our skilled acupuncturists have extensive experience in supporting couples undergoing IVF treatments and are trained in the specific techniques that target reproductive organs and improve fertility.

By incorporating acupuncture into your IVF treatment plan, you can boost the odds of a successful outcome while experiencing a sense of calm and wellbeing. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Hawthorne Acupuncture to learn more about our services and how we can be a part of your path to parenthood.

When it comes to enhancing IVF retrieval outcomes, acupuncture is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your chances of success. By working on both the physical and emotional aspects of your fertility journey, acupuncture addresses the key factors that contribute to a successful pregnancy. Trust Hawthorne Acupuncture to support you at every step of your IVF journey and experience the benefits of this ancient healing practice for yourself.